A downloadable game

Dumb Little Aliens is about two dumb little aliens building a scrap heap of a ship to escape their junkyard planet in a Time-Limited Roguelike where the clock is always ticking down, with your ship constantly falling apart beneath your feet. The only way to regenerate Scrap Meter is to ram into other spaceships, collecting the knocked off scrap that you create. Alongside Scrap Meter, the player must manage dialogue options- spacecraft might take offense to being in a hit and run. You must keep up with an ever increasing amount of chaos as your ship crumbles, the space cops get called, biker gangs start beef, and other zany sci-fi nonsense occurs. 

Platform: Android, IOS, and Steam

Genre: High-Speed, Race Against The Clock, Time-Limited Roguelike (Sci-Fi / Comedy / Action)

Target Timeline: 3 months

Engine: Unity

Target Release Date: September 2023

Project Goals: 

  • Influence a new genre of roguelikes, where players must sustain their time (Scrap Meter) to live as long as possible. 
  • Create a silly and comedic game that is truly hectic.
  • Create a game with high replayability and low “run” time commitment.

GDD Google Doc - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JoVeBBQtutnGPjQ1vegAMdgSl2oG8QR4TJYo4ZM7Yjk/...


YukeWolf - Dumb Little Aliens GDD.pdf 3 MB

Install instructions

Only a GDD is currently available! 

Development log


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Woohoo! First GameJam! 


And many more~

